During our regular meetings our Ministry Team is focused on providing a well rounded program, incorporating all six AHG Program Emphases: Citizenship, Faith, Leadership, Life Skills, Outdoors and Social & Emotional.

The AHG Program is built around six key components in order to achieve the mission of building women of integrity. These six key emphases create a balanced structure, providing girls with a holistic experience. A girl who completes the AHG Program will be a Christ-following servant leader who is honoring, relational, anchored in Christ, and competent: a woman of integrity.

Citizenship: The AHG Program provides girls with a deeper understanding of their country and heritage. Girls cultivate honor for their country by participating in patriotic events, flag ceremonies, serving in their community, and through badge work. Serving others and being active citizens with their Troop, fosters a lifelong love for their country.

Outcome: An honoring girl who cares for her community as an active citizen through service and patriotism.

Faith: The Lord is the reason that the AHG Ministry exists. Girl Members are encouraged to know Him better, serve Him with great love, and seek His will. A girl’s time in AHG is best used to seek the Lord and learn who they are created to be in a fun, safe environment.

Outcome: A girl who submits to Christ and seeks God's will for her life.

Leadership: In the AHG Program, leadership roles exist at every Program Level. Girls have the opportunity to make every day count for the glory of God by following the model of servant leadership Christ provides. Girls discover their passions, acquire project management skills, hold leadership positions, and participate in leadership training. Through learning Biblical leadership skills and who God has created them to be, girls will recognize how to intentionally put others first to influence and impact the world for Christ.

Outcome: A servant leader who follows Jesus’ model of leadership by putting others first.

Life Skills: Girls can acquire life skills through many aspects of the AHG Program, especially badge work. Badge work covers the six Frontiers: Heritage, Family Living, Arts, Outdoor Skills, Personal Well-Being, and Science & Technology. AHG Badges are age-appropriate and multi-level, allowing girls of all ages to work together at an appropriate pace.

Outcome: A competent girl who enjoys mastering new skills and applies them to her life. 

Outdoors: Nature reveals to us God’s beauty, glory, power, wisdom, presence, creativity, and, most of all, his loving care. Through the AHG Program, girls are encouraged to participate in outdoor activities such as hiking or camping several times a year. High Adventure activities are great times for team building, leadership, physical activity, and strengthening relationships with friends. The outdoors will educate girls about their natural world and the beauty God has bestowed upon them.

Outcome: A girl who values creation through outdoor experiences that display the glory of God’s creation.

Social & Emotional: Girls love to have fun and rate “time with their friends” as the main reason they love the AHG Program. Social and emotional development are closely related. In the AHG Program, girls learn to live the life Christ modeled and are reminded they are created in the image of God.

Outcome: A relational girl who invests in positive and loving relationships with others and clings to Christ when navigating emotions.

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059 support@trooptrack.com
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2024 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved